A vision of forest gardening |
In Egyptian tombs from 1500 BCE, there are paintings of symmetrical trees. It is said the evidence of gardening's being existed in ancient times. One of the most famous gardens in ancient times is “the Hanging Gardens of Babylon”. Then, there are some literatures about it but no firm evidences of its existence. So, it is said one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Gardens became more popular status for high classes of ancient Egyptians as larger garden he or she has, bigger wealth he or she has.
A painting of the ancient tomb |
Lastly, I’ll show you some styles of traditional gardens in brief. Japanese gardens are intended to remind natural landscapes. Most of them are intended to see from insides of houses (Japanese traditional houses are so opened to see around). Mesopotamian gardens have so long histories but there’re many mysteries. The Hanging Garden of Babylon and Garden of Eden are some example of them. To say European gardens, they are very different among each era. But in modern times, I said before, ‘symmetric’ and ’asymmetric’ are great theme of them.
The history of the European gardens
Above: a symmetrical garden. Below: an asymmetrical garden |
http://www.pcc-gardendesign.net/lesson-F-history/F-garden-history.htm and related pages
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